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Pump set oil PSO

Pump set oil PSO
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Product Details

NamePump set oil PSO
Packaging available 3.5 ltr / 20 ltr / 50 ltr / 210 ltr

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ZEST Pump set oil SAE 40 is blended from highly refined base stocks and advanced additives that provide impressive detergent, dispersant, antioxidant and anti-wear properties. Besides lowering the maintenance cost, ZEST PSO SAE 40 enhances the engine life with less wear and tear. The product is recommended for all types of Pump-sets and is also suitable for other Agricultural and Farm Equipment like Tractors, Power tillers, harvesters etc.


  • Recommended for slow, medium and high speed stationary diesel engines equipped on agricultural pump sets operating on HSD or LDO


  • Protects engine from wear and rust
  • Longer oil life and equipment life
  • Easy starting even at lower ambient temperatures

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