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Soluble cutting oil

Soluble cutting oil
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Product Details

NameSoluble Cutting oil
Packaging available5ltr / 10 ltr / 20 ltr / 50 ltr / 210 ltr

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ZEST Soluble Cutting oil is specially developed to form extremely stable milky emulsion even with hard water leading to excellent tool life and finish, in all metal cutting operations, where rapid heat removal is the main criteria. They have excellent antirust and anti froth quality and cause no corrosion of machine, work piece or tool. These are operator friendly and economical in use. The emulsions are to be prepared by adding oil to water and not vice-versa.
Applications: • Cutting, drilling, milling, grinding, boring and other metal removal operations of ferrous and non-ferrous materials where high quality of coolant is required. • Contains additives for use in metal removal operations, where a high degree of surface finish and long tool life are desired. • Not recommended for the machining of Magnesium due to potential fire hazards. Advantages: • Forms fine, highly stable emulsions even in hard water • Improves surface finish • Extends tool life • Gentle to the hands of the operator hence operator friendly • Resists oil separation

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