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General Machinery oil

General Machinery oil
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NameGeneral machinery oil (GMO) 32/46/68/100/150/220/320/460
Packaging available20 ltr / 50 ltr / 210 ltr

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ZEST General Machinery oils are specially formulated with selected base oils and quality additives to improve film strength and adhesiveness properties so that oil does not leak out and provides a film for lubrication. These are usually used in industry for once-through-all-loss lubrication systems.


  • Used for “Once through all loss” lubrication systems
  • General lubrication of textile machinery paper mills and machine tools
  • Can be used in enclosed systems where high grade products are not preferred because of profuse leakage from oil seals and the resulting heavy makeup


  • Provides adequate film for lubrication
  • Reduces wear and maintenance cost

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