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Engine oil 15W-40 CH-4

Engine oil 15W-40 CH-4
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Product Details

NameEngine oil 15W-40 CH-4 (ENGINE GUARD)
Packaging available1 ltr / 5 ltr / 3 ltr / 7.5 ltr / 10 ltr / 20 ltr / 50 ltr / 210 ltr

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ZEST Engine oil 15W-40 is a superb quality multigrade heavy duty diesel engine oil obtained by blending high quality virgin base oils with suitable additives which impart excellent oxidation stability, anti-oxidant & good detergent and dispersant properties. It is fortified with shear stable viscosity index improver and has excellent TBN values for neutralizing acids formed due to combustion and hence improve life and efficiency of an engine.


  • Recommended for all new generation commercial diesel vehicles operating on heavy duty on-highway and off-highway equipments.
  • Suitable for trucks and goods carriers (LCVs, HCVs) with turbo-charged diesel engines.


  • Good oxidation and thermal stability
  • High Viscosity Index for easy cold starting
  • Excellent shear stability to maintain viscosity under severe high temperature operations.
  • Good TBN retention power thereby offering excellent protection against corrosive wear
  • Offers prolonged oil drain intervals and reduces maintenance costs
  • Minimizes carbon deposition through high dispersancy/detergency level

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